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How to Maintain Your Backyard During Winter

How to Maintain Your Backyard During Winter - Element Turf & Outdoor Solutions - Alton IL

How to Maintain Your Backyard During Winter

Now that the temperature outside has declined, it is a great time to get outside and make sure your yard is prepared for the long winter ahead. It’s easy to think that you can leave everything the way it is. After all, the snow has covered everything up. However, properly maintaining your property, your lawn, and your yard items will ensure that everything is in good shape come spring.


Taking care of your plants not only protects your yard but also can protect your home, as trimming trees and shrubs can prevent ants from entering your home. If you have very delicate bushes or small trees, you can use burlap to wrap them up. This will protect them from frost, ice, and snow. It’s a good idea to have planted your vegetation in early spring. This would have given enough time for things to have rooted down properly before the temperatures dropped.


If it’s a sunny winter day, you might see some leaves on your lawn. Make sure you clean them up before the snow completely covers them up, as you don’t want to leave them on the ground for the entire winter. If you do, by the time spring comes around, and everything thaws out, you’ll be left with a very thick mess of leaves that has partially broken down. You won’t be able to just mow over them. It’s a lot easier to rake them up when they’re still fairly dry.


If you have patio furniture that is unprotected from the elements, you should store these items until spring. You can put them away in your shed, garage, basement, or anywhere that will keep them protected from the extreme temperatures and precipitation. The weather can be very harsh on your items, which are typically only outside in the heat and sunshine. Make sure to give everything a good cleaning before you store them. Everything will look brand new come spring of the next year. You won’t have to replace anything.

It’s tempting to stay inside this time of year when it’s cold outside. However, it’s important to maintain your yard during the winter months. You’ll be thankful that you did when spring arrives next year.

Want your backyard to look nice all year long? Hire a professional service to maintain its upkeep and appearance.

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